Madgraph is a matrix element generator for the simulation of parton-level events for decay and collision processes
at high energy colliders.
The version 5 of Madgraph (MG5) features a new user interface,
several new output formats including C++ process libraries for Pythia
8, and full compatibility with FeynRules for new physics models
Method 2: Download from the trunck using the Bazaar versioning system:
$bzr branch lp:madgraph5
Installation of Pythia/PGS/MadAnalysis:
Launch mg5 (./bin/mg5) and then type
install pythia-pgs
install MadAnalysis
* Note: MadAnalysis installs the 32-bit Linux version of Topdrawer.
For 64 bit linux version, one needs the library `ia32-libs' or `glibc' depending on Linux disto.
MG5 loads configuration from `./input/mg5_configuration.txt'
One can change the default fortran compiler, text editor, web browser, ps viewer, etc in the configuration file.
If MG5 runs remotely, one needs to edit the default web browser option in the configuration file such as
"web_browser = firefox -no-remote" in order to load the data in the remote machine.
One can also set the number of CPU cores in the configuration file.