The e-Science Products for High Energy Physics in 2008

- SCI and/or International Journal
- Domestic Journal
- International Conference
KISTI-CCIN2P3 Workshop (KISTI, Daejeon, Korea, December 1)
International Workshop on e-Science for Physics 2008 (Daejeon Convention Center, Korea, September 8~9)
Heavy Flavor Physics through e-Science
International Workshop on e-Science for Physics 2008 (Daejeon Convention Center, Korea, September 8~9)
Two e-Science Components for High Energy Physics: EVO and Remote Shifts
International Workshop on e-Science for Physics 2008 (Daejeon Convention Center, Korea, September 8~9)
The Data Processing of e-Science for High Energy Physics
International Workshop on e-Science for Physics 2008 (Daejeon Convention Center, Korea, September 8~9)
Service Composition for LHC Computing Grid Monitoring
France Korea Particle Physics Laboratory (LIA)
Steering Committee Meeting (Seoul National University, Korea, July 21)
International Advanced Research Workshop on High Performance Computing
and Grid
(Cetraro, Italy, June 30 - July 4)
Grid and e-Science in Korea
International Advanced Research Workshop on High Performance Computing
and Grid
(Cetraro, Italy, June 30 - July 4)
e-Science for High Energy Physics
APS08 (Saint Louis, USA, April 13)
The embodiment of e-Science for High Energy Physics
International Symposium on Grid Computing 2008 (ASGC, Taipei, Taiwan, April 9)
e-Science for High Energy Physics in Korea
B production and Decay Meeting at CDF (Fermilab, USA, April 8)
B Physics Analysis Status and Plans
YoungPyong Astro-Particle and Conformal Topical Physics 2008 (Youngpyong, Korea, February 25)
e-HEP and Heavy Flavor Physics
HPC 2008 (Aomori, Japan, January 24)
The e-Science for High Energy Physics
- Domestic Conference
e-Science Forum (KBSI, Daejeon, December 16, 2008)
HEP Computing based on FKPPL
Korea Physical Society Meeting (Kimdaejung Convention Center, Kwangju, October 23~24, 2008)
Heavy Flavor Physics as e-Science
Korea Physical Society Meeting (Kimdaejung Convention Center, Kwangju, October 23~24, 2008)
Korea Physical Society Meeting (Kimdaejung Convention Center, Kwangju, October 23~24, 2008)
Remote Control Room and SAM DH Shifts at KISTI for CDF Experiment
SungKyunKwan Univiersity Department of Physics Colloquium(SKKU, September, 26)
High Energy Physics as e-Science
Korea Super Belle Meeting (Korea University, August, 28)
History of Belle Grid and Physics
Korea Super Belle Meeting (Korea University, August, 28)
KWLCG (CDF Grid Computing Center)
2008 LHC Physics Workshop at Korea (KonKuk University, August 19~21)
Hadron Collider with e-Science
2008 LHC Physics Workshop at Korea (KonKuk University, August 19~21)
Alice Computing
Kyngil Middle School Special Lecture (Daegu, May 19, 2008)
Dream Comes True.
Soongsil University Seminar (Seoul, May 17, 2008)
e-Science and Heavy Flavor Physics
Korea Physical Society Meeting (Convention Center, Daejeon, April 17~18, 2008)
Particle Physics at KISTI
Korea Physical Society Meeting (Convention Center, Daejeon, April 17~18, 2008)
Remote Control Room at KISTI for CDF Experiment
Korea Physical Society Meeting (Convention Center, Daejeon, April 17~18, 2008)
The Current Status of CDF Grid
Korea CDF Workshop (KISTI, Daejeon, April 17, 2008)
CDF Remote Control Room and SAM Data Handling
Korea CDF Workshop (KISTI, Daejeon, April 17, 2008)
CDF Grid
National Cancer Center Seminar (NCC, Ilsan, March 22, 2008)
e-Science and High Energy Physcis

This project is organized by
High Energy Physics of e-Science at KISTI
52-11 Eoeun-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 305-806, Korea
Phone +82-42-869-0722, 0753 Telefax +82-42-869-0789

Send comments to:
Kihyeon Cho
Hyunwoo Kim